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visit [2023/01/23 16:00] Iain Hallamvisit [2024/10/11 22:27] (current) Iain Hallam
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 ====== Visiting/Joining Bristol A Cappella ====== ====== Visiting/Joining Bristol A Cappella ======
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-**Next new singers evening**: Tuesday 13th June 2023 
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 **Join our mailing list** for info about our upcoming new singers evenings and concerts; you can unsubscribe at any time. **Join our mailing list** for info about our upcoming new singers evenings and concerts; you can unsubscribe at any time.
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 +<block tip>
 +Next [[#taster-evenings|taster evening]]: **Tuesday 15th January 2025**\\
 +Next [[#open-rehearsals|open rehearsal]]: **Tuesday 12th November 2024**
 +Please **[[membership@bristolacappella.co.uk|email our membership coordinator]]** to let us know you're coming along.
 </block> </block>
 ===== Who are we? ===== ===== Who are we? =====
-Bristol A Cappella is a high-quality mixed chorus that sings contemporary songs from a range of genres in the barbershop style. We don't have beatboxing or soloists, but we aim to create a wall of sound by singing in four to eight-part harmony. We’re always looking to improve our performances and have a good time along the way. We love to entertain at gigs and competitions and always welcome new auditionees. Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds - you'll never have to sing by yourself and you get three months to do it!+Bristol A Cappella is the **current British champion mixed barbershop chorus**; we sing contemporary songs from a range of genres in the barbershop style. We don't have beatboxing or soloists, but we aim to create a wall of sound by singing in four to eight-part harmony. We’re always looking to improve our performances and have a good time along the way. We love to entertain at gigs and competitions and always welcome new auditionees. Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds - you'll never have to sing by yourself and you get three months to do it!
 {{ /hero/default/hero-babs-2019.jpg?nolink |Bristol A Cappella in concert}} {{ /hero/default/hero-babs-2019.jpg?nolink |Bristol A Cappella in concert}}
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-==== New singers evenings ====+==== Taster evenings ====
-We host **new singers evenings** several times per year where the chorus and new singers will start learning a new song all together and contain an introduction to the chorus. These run at a more relaxed pace than normal rehearsals which can feel a little full on+We host **taster evenings** three or four times year. These run at a more relaxed pace than our normal rehearsals (see below). Bring yourself and some water to keep hydrated!
-==== Rehearsals ====+==== Open rehearsals ====
-If you're keen to dive in, and don't mind a faster introduction, you can come along to one of our weekly rehearsals. They'll give you a good feel for the chorus, but can feel a bit full-on if you'd prefer to start with other new singers.+If you're keen to dive in, and don't mind a faster introduction, you can come along to one of our **open rehearsals**, usually the second Tuesday of each month. They'll give you a good feel for the chorus, but can feel a bit full-on if you'd prefer to start with other new singers
 +===== Getting there ===== 
 +There's parking on the surrounding streets, and many buses stop close by on Whiteladies Road.
 ==== Getting into the venue ==== ==== Getting into the venue ====
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 {{url>https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!4v1662415589132!6m8!1m7!1sXhb3uzve1_fEKWDvNpyjBQ!2m2!1d51.45830368287655!2d-2.60886172056031!3f70.30154457368472!4f4.525131377851324!5f0.7820865974627469 100%,350px noscroll noborder }} {{url>https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!4v1662415589132!6m8!1m7!1sXhb3uzve1_fEKWDvNpyjBQ!2m2!1d51.45830368287655!2d-2.60886172056031!3f70.30154457368472!4f4.525131377851324!5f0.7820865974627469 100%,350px noscroll noborder }}
 ===== Are we COVID-secure? ===== ===== Are we COVID-secure? =====
-We've done our risk assessments, and put in place [[/covid-rehearsals|plenty of mitigations]] to try to ensure that none of our singers catch or pass on COVID-19 at a chorus event.+We've done our risk assessments, and put in place [[/covid-rehearsals|mitigations]] to try to ensure that none of our singers catch or pass on COVID-19 at a chorus event.
 ===== New singer information ===== ===== New singer information =====
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 Not to worry! Our sister chorus [[http://allvoice.net|All Voice]] might be a better fit. There's no audition required to join AV and you're welcome to go to any rehearsal if you want to join.  Not to worry! Our sister chorus [[http://allvoice.net|All Voice]] might be a better fit. There's no audition required to join AV and you're welcome to go to any rehearsal if you want to join. 
 */ */
-===== Getting there ===== 
-There's parking on the surrounding streets, and many buses stop close by on Whiteladies Road. 
Enjoyment · Education · Excellence