This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Music Team ====== > See also the [[/committee]] who look after the running of the chorus. The music team lead the music-making side of the chorus, deciding which songs will be learnt, teaching technique, and rehearsing their sections. [[/music-team/members|Music team members' area]] ===== Roles ===== Members can volunteer to help with the performance or singing teams - via discussion on Discord or by contacting the Performance or Singing Leaders named below. {{section>/music-team/roles#Current&noheader}} /*[[/music-team/roles#past|Past roles...]]*/ ===== Meetings ===== > Time: **6 pm, 3rd Tuesday** of each month > Place: **Racks Bar**, St. Paul's Road As well as monthly meetings, the music team also have an annual strategy day where events, songs and technique focus for the coming year are decided. * [[!AieaMXsPEmDIwEki4qkTCovsQffn?e=hipNru|Minutes on OneDrive]]