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Apart from our tune-up pitch, all our sound comes from human voices.</p> <p>We're affiliated to the <a href="">British Association of Barbershop Singers</a> and compete every two years; in 2023 we won the BABS national mixed voices chorus contest.</p> </div> <div class="tile is-child"> <p class="has-text-centered"><a class="button is-medium is-primary is-outlined" href=""><span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-microphone" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><span><strong>See a show</strong></span></a></p> <img src="/_media/home/2018-10-06_iabs-baseball.jpg" /> <p class="is-italic has-text-centered"><a href="">IABS</a> convention 2018</p> </div> </div> <div class="tile is-parent is-vertical"> <div class="tile is-child"> <h2>What do we do?</h2> <p>Our songs are mainly from pop music, with a bit of rock and some musicals. We're big on storytelling with our performances, and we aim to compete each year.</p> <p>All our groups are available to hire for your events; let us entertain you!</p> </div> <div class="tile is-child"> <p class="has-text-centered"><a class="button is-medium is-primary is-outlined" href="/bookings"><span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-ticket-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><span><strong>Hire our groups</strong></span></a></p> <img src="/_media/home/2017-08-28_magic-at-clevedon-pier.jpg" /> <p class="is-italic has-text-centered"><a href="/magic">Bristol mAgiC</a> at Clevedon Pier</p> </div> </div> <div class="tile is-parent is-vertical"> <div class="tile is-child"> <h2>Come and sing!</h2> <p>If you want to improve your vocal craft and are ready to work hard while having lots of fun, join us at an open rehearsal on the second Tuesday of every month at Victoria Methodist church at 7:30 pm or come along to our next New Singers Evening.</p> <p>If you can't make weekly rehearsals, perhaps you'd like our occasional weekend <a href="/outbac"><strong>OutBAC</strong></a> sessions, ending at BABS 2025 mixed chorus contest? </div> <div class="tile is-child"> <p class="has-text-centered"><a class="button is-medium is-primary" href="/visit"><span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-calendar-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span><span><strong>Visit or join us</strong></span></a></p> <img src="/_media/home/2016-01-12_new-singers-circle.jpg" /> <p class="is-italic has-text-centered">Rehearsal night</p> </div> </div> </div> </html>