This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Committee ====== > See also the [[/music team]] who look after the musical side of the chorus. The executive committee oversees the running of our ensemble, delegating day-to-day tasks to a number of other groups. [[/committee/members|Committee members' area...]] ===== Roles ===== {{section>/committee/roles#Current&noheader}} [[/committee/roles#Past|Past roles...]] ===== Meetings ===== > Time: **7:30 pm, 1st Sunday** of each month > Place: via Discord All singers are welcome to attend committee meetings; check with the chair for a link to the next meeting. Only the executive committee are required to attend or send a deputy. * [[!AieaMXsPEmDIhD6BMc6xvdkaZXLc?e=lWEs6a|Minutes on OneDrive]]