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Table of Contents

Membership Coordinator

  • Ensure new singers are greeted at rehearsals, particularly new singers' evenings
  • Keeps a list of current members and their details, and update external affiliations when members join and leave the active chorus
  • Ensures the Data Protection Policy is followed for singers' information
  • Ensures a register is taken at all non-social chorus events1)
  • Responds to membership enquiries via email and social media
  • Makes posts on Meetup and/or Mailchimp to advertise new singers evenings to people who've already said they're interested
  • Leads the Membership team.



Elected by chorus members.


From To Name
20222022Chelsea Alventosa
20212022Laura Dresselhaus
20192021Chelsea Alventosa
20172019Rob Shaw
20142017Liz Beaton
This might involve someone appointed to the membership team, or negotiation with the section leaders to have this done per-section, or some other method.
Enjoyment · Education · Excellence