This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Event Coordinator ====== * Ensures that the [[!AieaMXsPEmDIn2egP3RDWt8rf8WL?e=1Ch7bm|gig checklist]] is completed if their event is a gig * Event coordinators are facilitators - they may not actually do any of the actions on the checklist as long as they make sure all the appropriate ones happen somehow. * The checklist covers chorus availability, venues, accommodation, travel, publicity, ticketing, extra equipment, front of house, recording, wardrobe, running order; about half the actions are to be overseen by the coordinator, the other half are to be done by other parts of the chorus, prompted by the coordinator. * Works with the committee, Publicity, etc. to make their event happen.